
[10] From noisy cell size control to population growth: when variability can be beneficial,
A. Genthon,
arXiv:2411.08512 (2024) [arXiv]
[9] Non Equilibrium Transitions in a Template Copying Ensemble,
A. Genthon, C. D. Modes, F. Jülicher, S. W. Grill,
Physical Review Letters 134, 068402 (2025) [journal (OA)]
[8] Equilibrium melting probabilities of a DNA molecule with a defect: An exact solution of the Poland–Scheraga model,
A. Genthon, A. Dvirnas, T. Ambjörnsson,
The Journal of Chemical Physics 159, 145102 (2023) [journal (OA)]
[7] Cell Lineage Statistics with Incomplete Population Trees,
A. Genthon, T. Nozoe, L. Peliti, D. Lacoste,
PRX Life 1, 013014 (2023) [journal (OA)]
[6] Analytical cell size distribution: lineage-population bias and parameter inference,
A. Genthon,
Journal of the Royal Society Interface 19, 20220405 (2022) [arXiv, journal]
[5] Branching processes with resetting as a model for cell division,
A. Genthon, R. Garcia-Garcia, D. Lacoste,
Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical 55, 074001 (2022) [arXiv, journal]
[4] Universal constraints on selection strength in lineage trees*,
A. Genthon, D. Lacoste,
Physical Review Research 3, 023187 (2021) [journal (OA)]
[3] Fluctuation relations and fitness landscapes of growing cell populations*,
A. Genthon, D. Lacoste,
Scientific Reports 10, 11889 (2020) [journal (OA)]
[2] The concept of velocity in the history of Brownian motion: From physics to mathematics and back,
A. Genthon,
European Physical Journal H 45, 49-105 (2020) [arXiv, journal]
[1] Linking lineage and population observables in biological branching processes*,
R. Garcia-Garcia, A. Genthon, D. Lacoste,
Physical Review E 99, 042413 (2019) [arXiv, journal]

* Pour plus de détails sur ces articles, voir ma thèse de doctorat.

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